About - Project Rhino


Project Rhino was launched on 22 september 2011 so now that day was known as World Rhino Day. As we know rhino is an umbrella species which mean that their survival directly impact on other survival. They play an important role to balance ecosystem.Extinction of rhino means imbalance in food chain.

project rhino - Save Rhino
Project Rhino - Save Rhino 

project rhino - save rhino
Project Rhino - TragedyProject.com

Main goal of this project.

1] To save rhino
2] To spread rhino
3] And long lasting rhino

Classification of Rhinoceros

1] Black Rhinoceros
Project Rhino - Save Rhino
BLACK RHINO - Tragedyproject.com

Scientific name -   Diceros bicornis

Life span          -   35 - 50 years

Mass                -   800 - 1400 kg 

Remaining      -   Less than 2500

2] White Rhinoceros
White Rhino TragedyProject.com , Save Rhino
WHITE RHINO - Tragedy project

Scientific name.  -  Ceratotherium simum

Life span             -  40 - 50 year

Mass                    -  Male 2300 kg
                                Female 1700kg

Remaining           -  Only 3 

3] Indian Rhinoceros
Rhino Project-Save Rhino- Tragedy Project
INDIAN RHINO - tragedyproject.com

Scientific name  -   Rhinoceros unicornis

Speed                 -   55 km/h (maximum)

Mass.                 -   Male 2100kg
                          -   Female 1600kg

Remaining        -   Less than 2600 

4] Elasmotherium
project Rhino - Elasmotherium
ELASMOTHERIUM - www.tragedyproject.com

Scientific name  -  Elasmotherium

Weight    -  Don't dare to measure ( Extinct)

Diet          -   Herbivores

Life span  -   34 - 44

Remaining -  ZERO

5] Javan Rhinoceros
Project Rhino - Rhino Project
JAVAN RHINOCEROS - tragedyproject.com

Scientific name      -   Rhinoceros sondaicus

Weight                    -   900 - 2,300 kg

Life Span.               -   30-45 years

Diet.                        -   Herbivores

Remaining              -   58-68

Ways to conserve rhinoceros.

1] Report any illegal activity like dealing of rhino if you know someone is involved in such activity.

2] Donation and 24x7 support

* If rhinoceros interior group have fund then they will introduce various technology for the well treatment of rhino.

3] By creating awareness among people.

* Three rhinos are killed every day in South Africa. If we create awareness about rhino's importance on the ecological balance among the people, then we can also save rhino life.

What happen if there will be no rhinoceros

1] Food chain will imbalance.

2]  Ecological imbalance.

Interesting facts about rhinoceroses.

1] Rhinoceroses can run very fast.

2] Rhinoceroses are good swimmers.

3] Black rhinoceroses are aggressive.

4] Rhinoceros can break big trees.

5 ] Rhinoceros have small brain but this does not mean that they are stupid.

6] About 50 million years ago, the elasmotherium rhinoceros became extinct.

7] In South Africa everyday 4 rhinoceroses are killed.

8] Rhinoceros are herbivore.

9] Now less than 28,000 rhinoceros are remains in the entire country.

10] Rhinoceros have a strong sense of smell.