New Viruses Discovered in Bees --"World Populations are Declining"

New Viruses Discovered in Bees --"World Populations are Declining" -

The researcher of the Bristol Myers Squibb David Galbraith and recently Penn State Graduate said , " The population of bees in the world is decreasing , and viruses are known to contribute to these decline." " Despite the importance of bees, despite the importance of viruses for the pollination of flower plants and the health of bees in agriculture and natural lands , our understanding of bee virus is surprisingly limited."

An international team of researchers has discovered evidence of 27 previously unknown viruses in bees .   This discovery can help scientists to design strategies to prevent the spread of viral pathogens among these important pollinants.

To examine the virus in bees , the team collected samples of DNA and RNA responsible for the synthesis of proteins from 12 beekeepers in nine countries around the world .  After this , he developed a novel high-throughput sequence technique that was previously recognized and 27 rarely-sometimes-in one experiment, at least six new families were not detected by the virus.   Results appear in the June 11 , 2018, issue of scientific reports.
Columbia University's postdoctoral partner and recently Penn State Graduate Zachary Fuller said , " Generally , researchers have to develop labor-intensive molecular assays to test the presence of specific viruses ."   "With our method , they can index all the virus present in the sample without any prior knowledge."

Fuller noted that because the cost of the high-throughput sequence is decreasing , the team's approach provides an inexpensive and efficient technique for other researchers to identify additional unknown viruses in bee populations around the world.
" Although our study has almost doubled the number of viruses associated with bees , yet many other viruses can be ignored , undoubtedly in many study areas and in weak countries ."
Identifying one of the new viruses is like a virus that infects plants.
Christina Grosinger, director and director of the pollinator research center in Pen State said , " It is possible that bees can get viruses from plants , and then these viruses can spread to other plants , which can cause risks for agricultural crops. Used to be."   " We need to experiment more to see if the virus is actively infecting bees - because viruses can be on pollen , but do not directly infect bees - and then determine that Whether there are negative effects on bee or crops, some viruses can not cause symptoms or if bees are tense in other ways. Cell can cause symptoms. "
In addition to identifying new viruses , the team also found that bee bee and bee are present in bees in some bees - suggesting that these viruses can spread easily within different bee populations.

Galbraith said received   , " This finding has highlighted the importance of monitoring the bee population brought in the United States because these species have the potential to transmit virus to the local pollinator population.   .   "   " We have identified several novel viruses that can now be used in screening procedures to monitor bee health across the globe."
According to Galbriith , the study represents the largest effort to identify novel pathogens in a global bee sample and extends our understanding of the diversity of viruses found in bee communities across the globe.
They said , " Our protocol has provided the basis for continuing the identification of a novel pathogen for future studies, which infects the global bee population using an inexpensive method to detect novel viruses."
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