Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

According to WHO (World Health Organisation) every year around 36 million people dies due to hunger which means every second a person dies. But no one is talking about this issue rather than they are talking about coronavirus do you wonder why because this virus does not discriminate between rich and poor. Billions of animals are killing down for human comfortability purposes. According to my self we humans are the biggest virus to the earth we have already depleted ozone layer, increased global warming, melted the glaciers and many more. According to einstein theory if single species of bees gets extincted from earth than whole ecosystem gets disturb but if we human get extincted than there will be greenery everywhere. We have invested millions of money in researching life in other planet and then we have wasted billion of money in degrading our own planet Earth. 

Earth is healing itself   

Earth is healing itself. coronavirus ,
A view from space of how emissions are changing in response to coronavirus.  (Image credit: ESA)

As you can see in the image how nitrogen dioxide emissions have dropped from Dec. 20, 2019, to March 16, 2020 

Due to many lockdowns around the world, there are less cars,less planes and less pollution.While we are panicking about COVIND-19. mother earth is healing itself.

Benefits of COVIND 19
Animals are feeling comfortable as there is less pollution, less crowd etc and no one have dare to kill or even touch animals. The best part is that there is no effect of covind 19 on animals but it effects human. We have torture them too much now nature is talking revenge on  behalf of animals. There is no noise, no crowd, there is peace peace and peace everywhere on the street this is possible only when humans are inside there house. 

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